The Best Natural Acne Remedies
Some of the best natural acne remedies can be found right in your household. These special acne-fighting ingredients are handled by you every day. They are in your food, in your kitchen cabinet, and found in your bathroom. Why pay lots of money to the drugstores when you can get the same results for only a fraction of the cost. This guide lists several of the most common natural acne remedy treatments that you can put together in a couple minutes with the minimum amount of effort. These acne home cures are also easy on your skin. Many of these acne home remedies include fruit and vegtables as treatments such as acai skin care remedies. Unlike that medicated acne treatments you find in your local drugstore, these acne treatments won't damage or dry out your skin -- one of the biggest problems with medicated acne treatments. So take a look, head to your kitchen, and start whipping up your acne cure!
Take three teaspoons of basil and mix it with a cup of hot water. Use some tissue or a cotton ball to apply to problem areas. This treatment is great for acne that refuses to go away.
Yes, beans! They truly are the magical fruit! Take a handful of kidney or black beans and boil them in several pints of water for 15 minutes. Add two teaspoons of chamomile (powder) to the mix and then let steep for until the mixture is cool. Use a strainer to filter out the beans and leaves. You can put the mixture into the fridge. Use as a face wash twice a day for three weeks. This is a is an effective acne home remedy.
Carrot Juice
Wash your face with carrot juice twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. This will clear up any problem zits. This is best used for mild acne.
Take 3 tablets of charcoal twice a day. This helps with your digestion and may in fact clear your face.
Mash up or juice a cumber. Take the resulting poultice and apply it to your face once a day. Leave on for at least 20 minutes. The cucumber juices counteract the bacteria living in your skin. People claim this purifies the blood and lymphatic system which gives clearer-looking skin.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Combine apple cider vinegar with lemon or lime juice. Us as a face wash twice a day. The acidic qualities of the vinegar helps clean the pores and flush out toxins form your skin. The lemon juice kills the bacteria living in your pores – the cause of the red swelling endemic to acne. If you follow this for a month, your skin complexion will radically improve and your face will gain a certain luster. My mother uses this every day and has found great success with it to counter wrinkles and aging. Many people are suffering from headaches every day, caused by the emotional struggles acne brings with it, but stick to this acne home remedy and your acne could be a thing of the past. This one is quite good to use for skin care for children.
Egg Whites
Another common and readily available treatment are egg whites. Rub egg whites over your skin and let dry. Leave on for 20 minutes before washing off. The egg white acts as an astringent and purifies your skin surface. Egg whites help reduce puffyness of the face; consistant use of this remedy can go a long way in helping with your longterm puffy scar removal goals. You may find egg whites, due to their gentle ingredients, are quite good for skin care for children. Some babies suffer from mild acne and you can try egg whites on their skin for a few minutes each day as a remedy.
Apply some crushed garlic to problem spots. Leave on for 10 minutes. Warning: you will have to deal with the strong smell. But if you can stand it, you may find great success with this natural acne home remedy.
Lemon Juice
Wash your face twice a day with lemon juice. The lemon juice will help kill the bacteria living in your pores, reducing your acne.
Grapfruit (seed) Extract
Mix 10 drops of the extract with a cup of water. Dab affected areas with a tissue or cotton ball. Grapefruit seed extract has powerful antibacterial properties. Make a regimen of this once a day to see results. This skin care home remedy is wonderfully refreshing -- I personally use it!
Mix up a tablespoon of molasses with half a teaspoon of sulfur and rub on your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes a day before washing off with lukewarm water. You may notice in increase of outbreaks on your skin for a couple days, but don’t worry, this is a sign your face is being cleaned. In a week, your acne will start to clear up. The molasses is particularly good for skin care for men.
Tea Tree Oil
A very popular acne home remedy and one that, unlike many, has been scientifically proven to be effective. Research has shown that Tea Tree Oil is as effective as 5% Benzoyl Peroxide. There has been some evidence that Tea Tree oil is even useful for acne scar tissue removal. Get ahold of some pure tea tree oil and place directly on the affected area once a day. You should see a remarkable improvement in a couple weeeks.
Oil of Oregano
This is a great acne-preventing treatment that you may want to consider. As a disinfectant and general acne cure, oil of oregano is the best there is. Rub the oil onto your face and leave it there. Don’t wash off. If your skin becomes irritated, mix water with the oil before rubbing on your face. There are various acne treatments you can pursue. It's just a matter of finding them!
It's important to note that acne home remedies will often moisturize your skin. These are almost always better than those cheap skin moisturizers you find in the store. Home remedies are also natural as well. I find it's better to use home remedies that to buy discount anti-aging skin products. I don't suggest using both home remedies and traditional acne medications at the same time.
These Natural Acne Remedies are proven treatments for thousands of people. If you want to know how to completely get rid of acne, check out the other guides on this blog!
7 years ago
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